Ryan Denwith
Relief Pitcher | Regina Pirates
Pitching He has the ability to coax groundballs, which helps him succeed. Denwith also has a decent changeup. Because he can't overpower hitters, Denwith has to fool them instead. He's almost as effective against lefthanders as he is versus righthanders.
Defense & Hitting He's average in terms of controlling the running game. He isn't especially quick off the mound but generally fields his position adequately. Denwith is a surpisingly good hitting pitcher. And I'm not sure you can say this about a pitcher, but Denwith has some pop in his swing. Interesting sidenote, The Regina Pirates have been known to use Denwith as a pinch-runner on occasion.
2025 Outlook The Regina Pirates signed him to a long-term contract, but don't think they won't drop Denwith like a hot potato if something better comes along.
-- Ska Nyman, A-Ball Scout