BJ Ferguson
Starting Pitcher | Regina Pirates
Pitching He's got a really stong arm, so he can blow it by you on occasion. Ferguson has to keep the ball down, especially against lefties, or he gets hit hard and often. Ferguson also throws a screwball. If you're going in to face Ferguson, better be wearing plenty of protection. He's wild. He comes right after righthanded hitters, who are lucky even to reach base against him, but he works more carefully to lefties.
Defense & Hitting Ferguson does an average job of holding runners. He gets off the mound fairly quickly and his throws to first are hard. Ferguson is a surpisingly good hitting pitcher. And I'm not sure you can say this about a pitcher, but Ferguson has some pop in his swing.
2025 Outlook I can't say I know what The Regina Pirates were doing locking this guy up to a long term contract. A questionable call at best. AA isn't the right place for Ferguson. Expect the Regina Pirates to send him down for some minor retooling. I just don't know if The Regina Pirates are ever going to get what they expect out of him.
-- Emu Nyman, AA/AAA Scout