Jess Mahan
Relief Pitcher | Owen Sound Crusaders
Pitching This guy has closer written all over him. He's got a really stong arm, so he can blow it by you on occasion. Mahan's fastball is a tick above average, in the 90-91 MPH range on most nights. He has an above-average changeup and the ability to throw from a variety of arm angles. The Owen Sound Crusaders hope he can work on his control a little bit. Every once and a while one slips away from him and either ends up at the backstop or in the right field bleachers. He changes speeds well enough to keep righthanders from teeing off on him.
Defense & Hitting A quick pickoff move and a slide step prevent runners from stealing bases. Mahan has an impressive presence on the mound, always taking an aggressive posture. Mahan is a surpisingly good hitting pitcher. And I'm not sure you can say this about a pitcher, but Mahan has some pop in his swing. Interesting sidenote, The Owen Sound Crusaders have been known to use Mahan as a pinch-runner on occasion.
2025 Outlook The Owen Sound Crusaders were smart, they locked Mahan up to a long term contract. Mahan has impressed at the A-ball level. Look for the Owen Sound Crusaders to give him a shot in Double or Triple A before the year is up. I really like what this guy brings to the table.
-- Ska Nyman, A-Ball Scout