Scott Primmer
Relief Pitcher | Regina Pirates
Pitching His curveball is solid; he throws it better than your average reliever. Primmer has to keep the ball down, especially against lefties, or he gets hit hard and often. His fastball gets into the high 80s, but it's the sink that makes the pitch effective. Primmer also has a decent changeup. Dating back to his days in the minors, Primmer has been more effective against righthanders than lefthanders.
Defense & Hitting Primmer does an average job of holding runners. He hurts himself by falling awkwardly off the mound in his follow-through, which allows too many balls to go through the middle for base hits. Primmer is a surpisingly good hitting pitcher. And I'm not sure you can say this about a pitcher, but Primmer has some pop in his swing. Interesting sidenote, The Regina Pirates have been known to use Primmer as a pinch-runner on occasion.
2025 Outlook The Regina Pirates signed him to a long-term contract, but don't think they won't drop Primmer like a hot potato if something better comes along.
-- Ska Nyman, A-Ball Scout