Simon Tar
Starting Pitcher | Owen Sound Crusaders
Pitching When sportscasters talk about Tar's rubber arm, they're not kidding. Sometimes I think he can start both games of a double header! Tar's bread and butter pitch is his slider. I've seen it baffle many a lefty. His fastball gets into the high 80s, but it's the sink that makes the pitch effective. Tar also has a decent changeup. His pitches lose some movement when he pitches from the stretch position. No one questions this kid's heart. They do question why he just can't get it done late in the game. He's almost as effective against lefthanders as he is versus righthanders.
Defense & Hitting Tar's move to first base is average. Tar is nothing special in the field. Tar is a surpisingly good hitting pitcher. And I'm not sure you can say this about a pitcher, but Tar has some pop in his swing.
2025 Outlook The Owen Sound Crusaders were smart, they locked Tar up to a long term contract. Tar performance in AAA is making it difficult for the Owen Sound Crusaders to ignore him much longer. Expect his name to be on the September call-up list. I really like what this kid brings to the table.
-- Emu Nyman, AA/AAA Scout