Dikimbe Bigger
Relief Pitcher | Owen Sound Crusaders
Pitching I love Bigger's sinker. This thing plummets like a rock at 59 feet. His fastball gets into the high 80s, but it's the sink that makes the pitch effective. Bigger also has a decent changeup. The Owen Sound Crusaders hope he can work on his control a little bit. Every once and a while one slips away from him and either ends up at the backstop or in the right field bleachers. He traditionally fares better against lefties.
Defense & Hitting He has a fair pickoff move and isn't a particularly easy target for basestealers. Bigger is nothing special in the field. Bigger is a surpisingly good hitting pitcher. And I'm not sure you can say this about a pitcher, but Bigger has some pop in his swing.
-- Moostard Nyman