Barry Horsch
Relief Pitcher | Retired or Inactive Players
Pitching He is adept at coaxing groundballs with his sinking fastball and plunging curveball, so hitters try to force him to elevate his deliveries and hope that they'll catch too much of the strike zone. His fastball gets into the high 80s, but it's the sink that makes the pitch effective. He tends to work slowly when in a jam, which just makes his problems worse by lulling his fielders to sleep. If you're going in to face Horsch, better be wearing plenty of protection. He's wild. He's almost as effective against lefthanders as he is versus righthanders.
Defense & Hitting Horsch's move to first base is average. Horsch doesn't field his position well. Horsch is a surpisingly good hitting pitcher. And I'm not sure you can say this about a pitcher, but Horsch has some pop in his swing. Interesting sidenote, The Retired or Inactive Players have been known to use Horsch as a pinch-runner on occasion.
2025 Outlook AA isn't the right place for Horsch. Expect the Retired or Inactive Players to send him down for some minor retooling. I just don't know if The Retired or Inactive Players are ever going to get what they expect out of him.
-- Emu Nyman, AA/AAA Scout