Chris Wilkerson
Relief Pitcher | Owen Sound Crusaders
Pitching His best pitch is his changeup, but hitters often sit on it. He's a good late inning man, which is when being a pitcher really counts. His fastball gets into the high 80s, but it's the sink that makes the pitch effective. The running movement on his pitches makes life tougher on lefties than righties.
Defense & Hitting For a lefty, his move to first base is average at best, and he has a tendency to forget about runners at second, thereby creating opportunities to swipe third. He isn't especially quick off the mound but generally fields his position adequately. Wilkerson is a surpisingly good hitting pitcher. And I'm not sure you can say this about a pitcher, but Wilkerson has some pop in his swing. Interesting sidenote, The Owen Sound Crusaders have been known to use Wilkerson as a pinch-runner on occasion.
2025 Outlook The Owen Sound Crusaders signed him to a long-term contract, but don't think they won't drop Wilkerson like a hot potato if something better comes along.
-- Ska Nyman, A-Ball Scout