Corey Halbriter
Relief Pitcher | Retired or Inactive Players
Pitching He's a good late inning man, which is when being a pitcher really counts. He struggles with his command at times and is still learning to mix his pitches and set up hitters. His fastball gets into the high 80s, but it's the sink that makes the pitch effective. He's almost as effective against lefthanders as he is versus righthanders.
Defense & Hitting He's reasonably quick to the plate but needs to vary his pickoff moves. Good baserunners appeared to time him last year. Halbriter is nothing special in the field. Halbriter is a surpisingly good hitting pitcher. And I'm not sure you can say this about a pitcher, but Halbriter has some pop in his swing. Interesting sidenote, The Retired or Inactive Players have been known to use Halbriter as a pinch-runner on occasion.
2025 Outlook If Halbriter doesn't perform, the Retired or Inactive Players won't hesitate to send him down to the minors. I just don't know if The Retired or Inactive Players are ever going to get what they expect out of him.
-- Moostard Nyman