Ed Gladman
Relief Pitcher | Retired or Inactive Players
Pitching Gladman also throws a screwball. Let's just say he's screwy on the field and off... so watch out for that devastating screwball! You know, some times I think I can throw harder than Gladman, and that's saying a lot. This man owns lefties. Put it this way, if your lineup is full of them, you might want rethink your lineup.
Defense & Hitting For a lefty, his move to first base is average at best, and he has a tendency to forget about runners at second, thereby creating opportunities to swipe third. He isn't especially quick off the mound but generally fields his position adequately. Gladman is a surpisingly good hitting pitcher. And I'm not sure you can say this about a pitcher, but Gladman has some pop in his swing. Interesting sidenote, The Retired or Inactive Players have been known to use Gladman as a pinch-runner on occasion.
2025 Outlook Gladman isn't cutting the mustard in the low minors. It's time for Ed to investigate other career options, like coaching highschool ball. But if you ask me, I'll pass on Gladman.
-- Ska Nyman, A-Ball Scout