Crazy Renderos
Starting Pitcher | Retired or Inactive Players
Pitching His sinking two-seam fastball and slider produce tons of groundballs. The Retired or Inactive Players hope he can work on his control a little bit. Every once and a while one slips away from him and either ends up at the backstop or in the right field bleachers. His pitches lose some movement when he pitches from the stretch position. He comes right after righthanded hitters, who are lucky even to reach base against him, but he works more carefully to lefties.
Defense & Hitting He's average in terms of controlling the running game. Renderos seems distracted after his delivery. He's sometimes out of position, fails to cover a base or doesn't back up throws. Renderos is a surpisingly good hitting pitcher. And I'm not sure you can say this about a pitcher, but Renderos has some pop in his swing. Interesting sidenote, The Retired or Inactive Players have been known to use Renderos as a pinch-runner on occasion.
2025 Outlook Renderos flat-out isn't ready for this level of competition. Expect the Retired or Inactive Players to send him down promptly. But if you ask me, I'll pass on Renderos.
-- Moostard Nyman